
Biodynamic Farming:
Produce that does not cost the Earth
In June 1924, Rudolf Steiner gave a series of lectures in Germany, from which emerged the fundamental principles of Biodynamic agriculture.
Regarded by some as the first modern ecological and sustainable farming system, Biodynamic farming builds upon organic approaches, such as the use of manures and composts -- and excludes all use of artificial chemicals on soil and plants. Methods unique to the Biodynamic approach include the use of specially transformed herbal and mineral preparations as healing additives for soil and plants; enhanced composting skills; and the use of an astronomical sowing and planting calendar.
Our goal at Old King Farm is to develop a deeper understanding of the interrelationship of humanity with the elementals, soil, plants, and animals.The farm can be a self-nourishing system without dependence on fossil fuels or external inputs, thereby preventing the loss of nutrients from the soil, regenerating it’s aliveness, massively improving the quality of food, while boosting carbon sequestration to reduce global climate problems.