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Who We Are

A Vision for Old King Farm
Destiny -- or kismet, luck, fate, a happy coincidence -- describe the discovery and establishment of Old King Farm in 2009.
While searching for land to help support a virtuous project, The Great American Stupa for World Peace, Dr. Orest fell in love with Old King Farm and knew it would be a special place for generations to come.
During Old King Farm’s first year — and every year thereafter — Tibetan Lamas (spiritual teachers) perform special, sacred ceremonies to purify our intentions, offer thanks, harmonize local energies, and help remove obstacles to success. We have been blessed with many angels in the form of helping hands, to assist us in farming the lands, preserving our historic barns, hosting educational programs and celebrating Life in the peaceful magic of our retreat center and rolling farmlands.
Meet Our Founding Members

Reverend Dr. Orest Pelechaty, LAc, OMD, nationally-certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist, is a life-long student of various healing systems including Tibetan Ayurveda, Essential Oil Therapeutics, Homeopathy, and energy healing techniques such as QiGong, Reiki, and Pranic Healing, With over 30 years of experience in the healing arts and having studied with teachers from around the world, “Dr. O” brings encyclopedic wisdom from ancient healing traditions and has been a pioneer in bringing these traditions to the United States. He was among the first licensed Acupuncturists in New Jersey and founded the ALOHA Clinic, the East Coast’s premier integrated holistic health center from 1988-2003. Since retiring as clinic director, Dr. O has been working in private practice in New Jersey and Vermont, along with teaching, writing and consulting.

Reverend Sue Pelechaty, BS (Chemical Engineering), CCA (Certified Clinical Aromatherapist), and Young Living Essential Oils Platinum is an Intuitive Healer who has dedicated her life to helping others through Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Kinesiology. With over 30 years of experience, Sue co-founded Holistic Alliance International, a non-profit organization promoting holistic healing, and Co-directed the ALOHA Clinic, New Jersey's oldest and largest holistic health clinic for 15 years. In addition, Sue has co-authored The Secrets of a Powerful Woman and Manifesting Abundance. She teaches extensively on essential oil therapeutics, green living, and holistic self-care. Learn more about Sue and her amazing work at

Rick Richmond and Donna Visco, practitioners and teachers of Pranic Healing, instantly fell in love with Old King Farm upon their first visit to the land. From the star-filled night sky to the gentle breezes filling the air with lavender, they loved not only the rolling hills and beautiful vistas, but also the prospect of creating a foundation and retreat center. With a background in Pranic Healing, garden design, Tai Chi, art and Yoga, Rick and Donna have helped maintain the lands, assist with the design and construction of the Stupa, and hold a studio in one of the Farm’s beautiful barns. Rick and Donna are co-founders of Blessed Land and teach in New Jersey and Vermont.