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Vedic Agriculture

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1. Divinity in existence 
2. Ahimsa, non-violent approach 
3. Holistic approach to farm 
4. Cow-centric 
5. Respect, Reverence and Humility to Mother Earth 
6. Healthy Soil
7. Self-Sufficiency

- Source: Dr. A. Thimmaiah, Maharishi University

The Vedic element added to organic agriculture is a phenomenon of intelligence (the dimension of consciousness) directly applied in support of the evolutionary stages of Soil, Plant, Human and Ecological communities. When the difference between conventional toxic agriculture and organic agriculture has been realized, the next logical stage is Biodynamics — sustainability and rebuilding of the soil. The next level is acknowledging a higher dimension, the Creative Intelligence of Nature.

This is the Vedic value.


The Vedas are the fundamental knowledge texts for Indian civilization, and within their massive trove of knowledge is a full spectrum of ideas and practices pertinent to agriculture.

These can be applied to a harmonious co-evolution of the living universe — from the subtlest wavicles of matter to the limitless range of the holographic multiverse. Vedic agriculture is thus the ultimate holistic approach of harnessing Infinite Mind to the most basic dimension of nourishing life via food production.


Drawing on ancient origins this is the premiere wisdom tradition within our collective planetary culture. Applying practical gems from this treasury of knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality is a guiding genius for our work “on the ground” in this idyllic corner of New England.

"Let there be peace in the heavens, the Earth, the atmosphere, the water, the herbs, the vegetation, among the divine beings and in Brahman, the absolute reality. Let everything be at peace and in peace. Only then will we find peace."
- Shukla Yajurveda 36:17

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