Relief for physical angst, workout woes and body bummers.
(ALL the cannabinoids and twice the terpenes. )
Beyond CBD - full spectrum hemp oil combining the balancing and soothing (or powerful) properties of CBD, CBG and CBC
Masterfully combined for maximum relief.
Shake it and roll on areas of discomfort - anywhere on the body.
If you have ever said …
“I always feel beat after exercise.”
“I wish I could be free of this pain.”
“I just learn to live with it.”
Happy Body was made for you.
Supports your Sacral Chakra.
"Nature, I ask that you bring my entire body into harmony with the earth."
Happy Body Topical Liberator
Our full-spectrum hemp blended in coconut oil is enhanced with essential oils known for reducing inflammation, increasing circulation, soothing muscles and supporting joints and bones. Happy Body has a refreshing scent with uplifting notes of menthol from the peppermint and wintergreen, and an earthy spiciness from clove and cypress essential oils. Copal essential oil ties it all together with its incredible healing properties and long history in Mayan and Aztec medicine traditions.
With trace amounts of hemp ash from the stems and stalks that are ritually burned in our Vedic fires we get the fullest spectrum of hemp by including aspects of the entire plant. This is spagyrics - should we go into that here?
CBD does not exist in a vacuum, and our biodynamic approach to making medicine means that we maximize the potential of every constituent in the plant. Our labs can measure the high levels of CBG and CBC in the hemp, but not the prayer, care and love that goes into every step of our process.
All of the ingredients in our hemp-infused roll ons are mindfully selected to create healing synergy that is greater than the sum of their parts.